Christopher Knowles has been building a catalog of the mega (tron) towers being constructed all over the globe right now. The towers make little economic sense and are an affront to ideas of sustainability (though they often pay lip service with a wind generator or two), or any pretense of an egalitarian social order, being the literal concretization of feudal hierarchy. Yet a building they are, and at a frenzied pace, one almost might suspect there's a deadline!?
It has finally dawned on me that they're DOCKING TOWERS, like for zeppelins. Really, really ginormous zeppelins... with landing lights "bright enough to be seen from space".
The Culture is returning.

Michael, when you think about the Great Pyramid, how it was aligned, where exactly it was located, how it was coated in highly reflective limestone, it seems there is a very old precedent for this.
I keep thinking- what if there wasn't a missing capstone. What if the top of the pyramid was used for something else?
because the returners are the missing capstone??
It seems totally obvious when looked at that way. The Eiffel Tower resembles a gigantic dirigible mooring tower, and the Pyongyang pillarmid is good for little else. Stairway to Heaven? How about an inverted pyramid spaceship landing on a pyramid, creating a nice Star of David effect?!
P.S.: my word verification is "oviation", which is a nice cross between ovum and aviation.
Michael and Christopher thanks so much for these thoughts-I hadnt thought of it this way before-you are so right Michael-what the hell kind of economic sense do building structures such as these make in times like this? Love your thoughts on the word veri also! I look at these many times-this one for me is 'inteohed'-into your head? Best to you and Varen-I hope 09 is treating you both great so far and again-congratulations-not only on getting the 'paper' which as you stated wasnt really what it was all about-but keeping a relationship going-it gives me hope-hugs to you both also!
The Culture is Returning...
The Empire Never Ended...
Dev - The word verification and the timing of posts can be quite entertaining. I have one or two that posted at 9:11. Yesterday I joined a gym (called Ironworks, how's that for tin/iron man synchs!) and I dated it 1/1/09, which is 911 backwards. And the dream before that about finding twin towers of Hercules, and it makes me wonder.
Ben - thanks for stopping by.
Michael-thanks for your thoughts-those are very interesting ones on timestamps. I have not noticed 911 on posts-but I constantly notice it on the clock -its odd to because being a nightowl I see 911 quite a bit in the morn when i am half asleep still to take meds-Not psych-but for virus:-) I will have to ask my guy the name of his gym-he used to belong to some mass market one like LA fitness which was horrible-my brother also had a bad experience with them-I am losing so much weight so fast that i should do something like that-but I doubt I could lift 60lbs anymore-embarrassing-i still cant believe "Diego' can pick me up as he is 5'9 170-180 and I am still about 195 but look positively thin compared to months ago. I had another thought on twin pillars-was just about to go to bed 2009=2+9=11, just a thought don't know if anyone can do anything with it. I also thought I would put this comment here-dont know if you or anyone that happens by will know of this. In regards to wise womans latest post I was trying to find info about a minor actor in the US who supposedly committed suicide by gunshot-its not Reeves I am thinking of and not Nick Adams who died in 1968 of overdose-but this dude would have been young at the time thinking he died in 69-73 era at age of 31 to 37-I do not know if I am mistaken but I could almost swear there was such an actor.Sorry for the light night ramblings. Thanks again for your thoughts and fantastic blog-best as always to both of you-hugs too! this word veri is noneth-if I wasnt so tired I might be able to come up with something on this one:-)
They're gonna be pretty irrelevant in 2012, when I get my 12-strand DNA and body made out of light...
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