The solar chariot - note his mother peaking...
I saw a gorgeous orange Porsche 914 the other day - nice ones are quite rare these days. Ricardo Montalban died on Jan. 14, and the High Noon post got 14 comments. 914's had removable SUN roofs, orange... you get the drift. 914's are a crossbreed between the noble Porsche brand and the peasant VW engine, so they are considered less valuable and collectible. However, judged simply on their merits, 914's were very good cars, and by volume, Porsche's most successful model - "the people's Porsche". Like most of my favorite cars, it was rear engined.
The legendary Dr. Ferry Porsche is the father of both brands - Porsche and Volkswagen. He developed a "people's car" for Hitler prior to WWII (another false sun god/antichrist), which became the VW, which eventually became a symbol of 60's counter-culture. How weird is that?
Now that I think about it, the most significant cars in my history were ALL crossbreeds of one sort or another. The Ferrari 246 Dino is perhaps the most beautiful Ferrari ever made - a cross between Pininfarina coach building and a 6-cylinder Fiat power plant. I loved this car. Still do. The name "Dino" honors the founder's late son, Alfredo "Dino" Ferrari.
The "Dino" brand was created to market a lower priced, "affordable" sports car. The first brochure described the Dino as "almost a Ferrari". --wikipedia
"What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet." --Hebrews 2:6-8

Another is the De Tomaso (Thomas) Pantera (panther), a cross between "old world" Italian artistry and the brute force of a "new world" Ford V-8. Sold in the US through the Lincoln/Mercury dealerships, this car has perhaps the most gorgeous ass ever designed, but quality did not live up to expectations. Notably, Elvis Presley once fired a gun at his Pantera after it wouldn't start.
Auto-mobiles are symbolic of chariots, grails and vessels - and we human beings are literally spirit in vessels of clay. It makes me wonder...
Maybe I am a Halfbreed Prince - a Son of God and Gaia, Zeus and Europa - spirit and matter. I am Hercules. I am Orion. I am Jesus -the Son of the Father and Mary. I am a Porsche 914 - half immortal (noble) and half mortal (iron). This is the template. The new model. Adam.
So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
The War of Heaven was because of this. Spirits do not willfully don feet of clay. But feet of clay we have, and warriors we are. Not against flesh and blood, but against the angels. The foot is the symbol of mankind - our earthborn 3D existence. Likewise the wing is the symbol of spirit - of the angels.
Ricardo Montalban sold the Chrysler Cordoba as "the affordable" luxury car. The 914 was the "people's Porsche". The 246 Dino was the "affordable" sports car. Both the Pantera and the Lincoln Mercury brand were sold as "affordable" alternatives. Hello... is there an echo in here?
I wonder... maybe God found the angels to be "unaffordable"? Maybe wars in heaven (like in Iraq) simply cost too much. So maybe He created this third dimension (Middle Earth) that would supply him with ecstatic experience for wholesale. Mankind, the affordable alternative! No wonder the angels fear/hate/abuse us, we work for practically free!
It's not being a worker that bugs me. I LIKE to work. I just want to feel appreciated. I think I've just founded the first automotive religion/union. Teamsters of the Universe... Unite!