I've been sincerely touched by the letters of encouragement y'all have sent my way over the past few weeks. Maybe this blogging thing really does have something going for it. So... thanks. Words of encouragement are like flowers in a hospital room, maybe not the cure for what ails you, but REALLY nice to have around.
Anyway, I realized that I have not been practicing what I preach, which is to listen to Cock. I've been ignoring the Little Boy, immersed in this or that sense of impending doom and nothing takes away a chubby quicker than religious dread. Judge Dredd?
Anyway, I finally put that aside and just had some really great orgasms, and it's truly amazing how those few seconds in Nirvana can screw your head back on (pardon the expression) straight. Highly recommended. Three thumbs up!!
One of the things that helped was that I decided to read an old homoerotic story by FanTCMan (my Old Faithful...) called 'Fantastic Island', which contained this little gold nugget:
"Soon he reached the narrow end of the island. Rocks jutted into the water, and he had to wade into the water to get around them. The water felt good on him, and he dived under and swam. He felt again how muscular he was becoming as he used his muscles to swim, and he marveled at how his cock felt like a RUDDER in the water. He did like the feeling of his cock growing large and thick and heavy."
I think I know where to grab my tiller... made of wood? To get to the good stuff... scroll down, to the Land Down Under.
keep going...

Bull's Eye!
Best to you Michael! As I had been doing research on some of the early christian churchs defamation of the relationship of Hadrian and Antinous your comment about religious dread struck me 'synctly' and funny! I do not know if my place will ever amount to anything-but it is the courage, vision and encouragement of you sychro-folk that led me to at least try-I hope these words find you happy and at peace!-Devin ps thanks for the pic too(wink)
Glad your mini Dark Night of the Soul is getting you too bummed out, fine sir.
Up Periscope.
Just when u thought it was safe to go back inthe water............ Lev Iron Thing
Hi Devin, thanks, I'm enjoying your series very much, thanks for doing it!
Mini = Min. I've noticed that I do cycle through these bouts quicker and quicker, by 2012 they should go by in seconds! ;-)
BTW, the big fella's name is JAKE Tanner (slightly photoshopped, but not much).
Cheers, Michael
Thanks for the reference Michael!
BTW-do you know how I can find a phone # for Danny Nunez?-wink
I am glad you are enjoying the series! I hope to have another H/A entry tonight-if not sooner if my connection holds-I am an extremely poor typist and it takes me forever to put in an article of any length. Agree about the time cycles if I caught your thinking right-I really think there must be something to the Shuman resonance-time speeding up -or the universal CPU clock going faster.
Best to you always! hugs too-hope this does not make your 'one' jealous-my 'one' only uses me for one thing and could care less-I wish we could go back-but I think its over-except for the 'keep in touch' part :-)-Devin
Dude, you kill me. You are the most audacious synchromystic I have ever met, and I love it.
I wish you the best in your post-coital glow.
Devin - you caught my meaning. And hugs back. Don't worry, the "one" likes it when we hug one another. I suspect he's a quite the voyeur.
Thuth - I think that is maybe the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!
Well, if you don't have a dark (k)night of the soul now and then, you're probably doing something wrong. And it's always darkest before the (golden) dawn.
Aaah, u have a CONTENT WARNING, I took it to mean that u r now content.
Very droll Chris, very droll.
Mr. Moon: a wise pun that brings to mind a story: One of my favorite unsung columnists is David Kasanof of Woodenboat magazine. His column is called Deadwood, and it follows his musings on life as he slowly works his way through the restoration of an old wooden sailboat called Content.
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