Ben Fairhall posted this interesting pic of twin white stags at the Daily Behemoth, which has since gone missing. White stags have some kind of English symbolism attached to them (of which I remain oblivious), but to me they're simply beautiful masculine icons.

Here's a pic from the latest gay porn brand: Stag Homme, the child of my golden jockstrapped muse Francesco D'Macho and his latest BF: Damien Crosse (is that possibly the most Hollywood antichrist name ever devised?).
Just so we don't forget what branding means:

We also have a stag at home, because Var brought home the CUTEST stag centerpiece for the dining table last month. It's a terra cotta figurine of some masculine deer-like figure, though by inspection of the underside, it's apparent the deer is a doe, or perhaps a eunuch? Anyway, the stag's name is ALFREDO. Varen is big on names, and thus we have names for various plants around the house, as well as terra cotta figurines. Aelfraed is "elf counsel". He's also Batman's faithful butler.
As luck would have it, we had pasta with ALFREDO SAUCE a few days ago, which gave me pause, but then I dove in with bon gusto!
I enjoy both your humor and your unique approach to life. I hope you guys are doing fantastic and wish you the best-hugs also!
Hi Devin, thanks. Hope you are feeling better after Christmas!
The White Stag is a manifestation of the Celtic equivalent of Horus, Lugh.
And also Karnayna, the Cymri (pronounced koom-rah, hey, it's Welsh FOR Welsh!) version of Cernunnos, the Stag-horned Lord of the Wildwood, better known in Pagan circles as Herne the Hunter, too. Now look what you've started, Michael, even more synchro-mystical correlations! LOL! Oh, you're gonna jus' LOVE this link:
Thanks Anadae. That IS quit the link. ;-)
That is interesting info-Christopher and Anadae! I will have to check out that link too-I am better Michael-somewhat melancholy as another year is about to become history so to speak-i so hope 09 is going to be better but do not know how much to 'bank' on this (thinking of wises last post here:-)) In my writing i was going to use the line of something like this 'what cupid had to twist the lines and fabric of space-time to shoot his arrow at us as we had our one in a billion chance meeting'-i ended up not liking the space time part as i dont think it sounds 'romantic'-and i also got to thinking along the lines of work you have done-wouldnt Eros be the more appropriate 'god' to use for a homosexual meeting? best to you and yours as always-i hope the both of you have a fantastic 2009-hugs too!
Hi Michael, congratulations on the recent 'civil registration' (or American equivalent.)
The picture went down because, on closer examination of the story, I realised the photo was more of a Christmas tabloid 'op' than anything truly extraordinary. The white stags are not rare in the New Forest, apparently; though that wasn't the impression I got earlier in the year from the White Hart sightings in the same place and elsewhere.
I should know the difference between a stag and a hart, but I don't.
Hi Michael,
I was reading some of your articles and came across this post with the 2 stags. Today I wend to Urban Barn, and as I came in the front door I was presented with a large picture of a white stag on a dark background. I turned to the right and saw 3 metal deer buck heads hanging on the wall.
The Urban Barn is on a street called Cumberland. When I got home I googled cumberland and found this:
It was too much to not share with you. Happy New Year
Hi KK, thanks for the pic... Scotland again. And happy new year back!
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