Inspired by Aferrismoon and Through the Looking Glass synchro-coverage of sporting events, I've decided to bring you the Gosporn coverage of the 33rd Official America's Cup! Think of me as your gay, nautical Jackie Stewart. Gentlemen, start your symbols!
Ho hum, sailboat racing is like watching grass grow. Let me pique your interest with the name of the American challenger: Larry Ellison's Dogzilla: a giant 90' trimaran.

The America's Cup is the world's oldest active trophy in international sport, predating the Modern Olympics by 45 years. The cup, originally offered as the Royal Yacht Squadron cup, was named after the winner of the first challenge between the Freemason Limeys and the Freemason Yanks... the schooner yacht - America. America was a black schooner (twin masts/towers) and you can already see where I'm going with this.

Sailing ships are the most romantic and Grail-like symbol of all modes of transport, and the Freemasons must have been acutely aware of this. Lovers of wagers and competition, this naturally lead to sailboat racing, often with extravagant bets made in the outcome.
The Auld Mug (the Cup's "ugliness" is often remarked upon) was held by the venerable New York Yacht Club for 131 years (1852 to 1983 - the world's longest winning streak) and the cup was enshrined within the club's Holy of Holies at 37 W. 44th St. It was said that the cup would be replaced by the head of the skipper who lost her. That would be a Masonic joke.
One of the most famous and determined challengers was Scottish tea baron Sir Thomas Lipton. Between 1899 and 1930 he mounted five challenges, all in yachts named Shamrock, two of which were designed by William Fife. --wikipedia
So we have the Scots in for five, but it took the lads from Down Under and the Australia II to finally wrest the cup from the clutches of the NYYC. Barons of industry are drawn to the cup like bees to honey, with Ted Turner, Alan Bond, and Michael Fay all playing a round or two.

'Mermaid' the Young America defender painted by Roy Lichtenstein in 1994. Now resting at Storm King Art Center.
The history of the race is outrageously symbolic, with wild antics from all sides - including the March 1997 attack on the cup (then residing in New Zealand) by an agitated political recidivist with a sledgehammer. This reminds me of other attacks on symbols of the divine feminine, such as the two attacks on La Gioconda in 1956, and indeed... the Mumbai Massacre.
Anyway, this 33rd running promises to be a spectacle of spectacles, beginning with the perps: Larry Ellison, (A Russian Jew who's father literally took the name of Ellis Island as his own upon immigration) of Oracle Corporation, born Aug 17, 1944 in Manhattan. In 2003, Larry married Melanie Craft (a romance novelist with a name that synchs both Melusine and Masonry) in a wedding ceremony that included Apple CEO Steve Jobs as official wedding photographer. Larry co-owns with David Geffen the megayacht "Rising Sun". Oy vey!
In the other corner is Ernesto Bertarelli of Switzerland, land of the Catholic Swiss Guard and many a white cross synch over the past year. His team is called Alinghi, which is obscure enough to not raise my synch hairs. Anyone? Ernesto, born Sept. 22 1965 in Rome, moved with his family to Switzerland in 1977, where he eventually became CEO and Deputy Chairman of Serono, a Swiss Biotech company, that gained fame from its discovery of a natural hormone used in the treatment of FEMALE infertility.
All righty then! We have two mighty champions of the divine feminine... let the games begin.
Ernesto makes his first defensive move by accepting a "challenger of record". His patsy/proxy challenger of record is Club Náutico Español de Vela, a club with no yachts and no members except a few with large bank accounts and certain aligned Euro business associations. Hmmm.
Understandably outraged, the Americans mount a challenge and legal protest, which is made by the Golden Gate Yacht Club on behalf of BMW Oracle Racing. Oh yes, the Germans are involved. And the Franciscans, and the most iconic symbol of the Stargate in the West.
The protest is made to the NY Supreme Court, which is named as the court of last resort in the Deed of Gift. Much legal wrangling ensues, with the decision and appeals still undecided.
However, Larry has continued development of his radical challenger, a 90' x 90' "on the square" trimaran with a mast "taller than the statue of Liberty". A trimaran yacht is the conchretization of the Trident - the triple pronged spear of Shiva/Poseidon. It is no idle threat, Shiva's spear is THE greatest weapon of destruction. Period.

Larry's "sea monster" is nicknamed Dogzilla, synching with Sirius and the Japanese (rising sun) monster of the Abyss - which in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek is called Apollyon - the Destroyer:
They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. --Revelation 9:11
Ummm.... 911? Enough said. This sea monster was created in Anacortes WA - made of solid (black) carbon fiber - the building blocks of life. It is currently undergoing sea trials in San Diego, which has it's own America's cup history, as well as housing the largest base of MARINES in the West. Ladies and gentlemen, this is WAR.
My own growing awareness of Shiva is well documented on this blog, but I keep uncovering more synchs. In Revelation, the actual identity of Apollyon is left in question, with most of the church calling him the Devil, but the Seventh Day Adventists saying that he is, in fact, Jesus. A wonderful and deliberate confusion of Archons. My first boyfriend was the owner of the "Dick of Death", and he happened to be a recovering Seventh Day Adventist! My own childhood church (Rose Hill Presbyterian - yes, another symbol of the divine feminine) was vandalized and burned to the ground when I was in my teens, and the congregation found shelter at a nearby Seventh Day Adventist church, who lent us their sanctuary on Sundays. Synching them with Shiva, I see the church finding refuge within Shiva/Jesus... the calm in the eye of the storm.
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