Via Bill in Exile:
Per that paragon of uber-righteousness known as the Christian Broadcasting Network, one Cindy Jacobs — resident of Crazyland — was in church recently when a voice spaketh unto her {verily I say},
"Cindy, the strongman over America doesn't live in Washington, DC - the strongman lives in New York City! Call My people to pray for the economy."
The voice then spaketh more unto Cindy, saying,
"October 29 was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and Satan wants to do it again."
So Cindy, rather than up her dosage, decided she needed to do everything in her power to stop that rascally Satan in his tracks so she decided to call for a national prayer day on October 29th and what better place to go to pray for your economy than Wall Street?
And what better Wall Street image to pray to than the statue of the golden…

And again the Lord said to Moses: I see that this people is stiffnecked: Let me alone, that my wrath may be kindled against them, and that I may destroy them. --Exodus 32
Oh Michael...I was laughing my head off...and then I got to your picture (is that really what I think it is?)and I was still laughing, but mouthing OMG....Nothing to add to this yet, maybe later...
Hook 'em Horns...
OK - one thing - I just noted that I let you know I'd ameneded my post to include 'the golden calf incident' on Oct 29! (Oz being a day ahead)...
Thanx so much for sharing this...
What else can one expect from Herd Mentality?
Cind- = Sin-D, some new paradigm of alphabetisised sinning. Cindy - Cinderella-Cinders = ohh shit, what's that burning smell.
Does this mean New Israel and the not-so-new Israel in the Middle East building for some double-headed twinning ceremomy.
YShRAL = 541 which if converted from metres to feet = 1776.
You just have to say the magic word "Jesus" and any old heathen practice is acceptable in their eyes. In five years time your head will spin over what kinds of Pagan rituals these people will be performing in the name of Jesus.
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