The Chariot of the Gods
She came from Planet Claire, I knew she came from there. She drove a Plymouth Satellite, Faster than the speed of light... Planet Claire has pink air, All the trees are red. No one ever dies there, No one has a head. Some say she's from Mars, Or one of the seven stars, That shine after 3:30 in the morning. WELL... SHE ISN'T! --Planet Claire, B-52's.
I've been musing about the sudden rise of the "Synchromystic", as it were. New synchromystic blogs pop up like mushrooms these days, with more and more people catching the bug. Synchronicity is (IMHO) an attempt to "awaken in the dream", to consciously view everyday events and coincidence as personal messages from the Dreaming Mind. In other words, lunatic pot heads who think God is talking to them in secret messages that only they can understand! I say that with love, because I'm one of them.
My own path on the yellow brick road began in earnest on Sept. 11, 2001 (no points for originality, I'm afraid) and has included more than one credible VALIS experience. I know many of my fellow synchronauts can recount similar experiences, and sometimes I wonder, how... why? Why is synchronicity waxing?
William Thuther at Conspiracy Grimoire has been doing some really excellent work on "the Contact Device": that spinning, whirling, gyroscope-like machine that Jodie Foster rode to make first contact with aliens in the Vega system. It keeps appearing in the strangest places - American Idol, the sculpture garden of the CERN super collider, etc.
I've been doing a lot of musing about this machine, and what it represents. Jodie obviously didn't actually "GO" anywhere. The ball drops, hits the water, and she exits with wild tales. What Jodie experienced was not a trip to Vega(s), but a sudden and powerful connection to Universal Consciousness. She'd had a classic religious vision; an anointing of the Holy Spirit; an "ego death". She visits "heaven", which to her was the tropical beach of her childhood, where she meets her father, as in... "the Holy Father".
Ecstatic religious experience can be generated in several ways, including intense prayer, meditation, chanting, entheogens, sex, strangulation (sometimes employed in Tantric sex) and.... altering the local magnetic field by SPINNING magnets around the cranium. If you do all of them at once maybe you become Jesus. Or Jodie Foster.
The human organism, being an electrical energy device of profound subtlety, is sensitive to flux in the magnetic fields that surrounds it. Changes in our own brain chemistry or in the magnetic field (the "electrolyte") can cause changes in the way our brain functions, perhaps temporarily bridging the gap from right to left brain experience - the Rainbow Bridge.
Is the Contact Device essentially a system of rapidly spinning magnets that alters the magnetic field around a body so as to create perfect link to the right brain, Dreaming Mind? Contact, indeed.
You Spin Me right round, baby right round...
When I think back on my youth, I loved the merry-go-round the best. Spinning. Curiously, rockers, swings, merry-go-rounds, etc., are all designed to generate rhythmic changes in local gravity/magnetic fields. Perhaps children find this intrinsically pleasurable because it creates a weak electrical connection across the Great Divide?
The Mad Tea Party
Amusement parks all feature gravity altering rides; the Roller Coaster, Centrifuge, the Vomatron, etc. Along with seriously trippy iconography in the "Fun House". Maybe the spinning makes the fun house "fun". Like taking a toke.
Curiously, the Psychiatry Museum in Bern, Switzerland, features a model of Centrifuge Therapy, which spins the insane asylum patient around in an 18th century version of an astronaut training chair, a "literal" attempt to spin the mental patient (who's head was "spinning"), back into "synch" with sanity.
The octagonal Contact Device in CERN is called a Super Collider - a metaphor for the meeting of the left brain Ego with the Right Brain Id - when the immovable object meets the irresistible force. This is also the Stargate, made famous via synchromagician Jake Kotze. The Contact Device and the Stargate are equivalents.
But why me, why us, and why now? Why this sudden explosion of people who seem at least half-connected to the Dreaming Mind half the time? My personal ego death didn't involve drugs, sex(darn it!) or strangulation, and I haven't been sitting inside any spinning Contact Devices or Ferris Wheels. Or... have I?
Relax... You're Soaking in It
VALIS is Philip K. Dick's satellite-based personification of Cosmic Consiousness. Satellites spin around the earth, exactly like the Contact Device spins around the ball that surrounds Jodie Foster (female, "earth", and perhaps... "foster parent"). Googling satellite earth orbit gives us this:

The paths of geostationary satellites oddly resemble the paths of the Contact Device. And who is credited with the "invention" of the geostatic satellite? Arthur C. Clarke, the imagineer of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which resonates so strongly with Contact. David BOWman and Ellie ARROWway. I mean... quite.
According to Canadian engineers at Queen's University, there are now more than 8000 operational satellites orbiting earth. This only includes the ones we've been told about. Is it possible that satellites might effect the earth's magnetic fields, in a way so as to create a global "Contact Device"? A device that is, even now, relentlessly surfacing the unconscious Underworld - directly into the oncoming train of the consensus reality trance. A device that is, perhaps, to be completed in 2012.
Maybe my own brief connection to the Id was simply the result of a random triangulation of satellites, creating a momentary surge of VALIS magnetic field flux!? I'm trying to imagine the effect on billions of egos who suddenly come face to face with their own, personal, Jesus. While watching TV.
Maybe there's a very good reason to be off planet by 2012.