"When he would lean against the door frame his package would hang down his left leg. When he stood upright, his meat quite obviously pointed between his legs and to the center of the earth." The Salt, by Rdyroger

Allow me to introduce to you my latest symbol. I don't even know it's official name, I'll just call it 'Mary's Box', because I first became consciously curious about it when I saw it adorning St. Mary's Star of the Sea parish in Port Townsend (see The Star of the Sea). It is made of four crossing lines surrounded by a circle, and in the center creates a perfect square. The symbol is found adorning Catholic parishes the world over, and now I see it everywhere, including Holy Family in Kirkland. Here is Holy Family's logo from their site:
I'm wondering, is the Catholic Mary also known as Gaia... Mother Earth?
The cuboid center pings with the Borg cube and the Kaaba and Kirby's Cosmic Cube. It also resonates the enormous cuboid wish-fulfilling machine of the Krell - the former rulers of Altair IV - the Forbidden Planet. See The Quest, Part III for various cubic connections.
"Mary" (the earth), was divinely inseminated (or raped, depending on your point of view), which leads us easily to the myth of Europa, divinely inseminated by Zeus in the form of a bull. Europa is also the moon of Jupiter "divinely inseminated" by the black monolithic (masculine) intelligence in Arthur C. Clark's Space Odyssey opus. Europa was declared strictly taboo in 2010: Odyssey Two:
Is that a rocket in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to muse that mythically, Europa = Forbidden Planet = Mary = Earth. AKA the Holy Grail. Curiously we have myths of antediluvian beings forbidden to meddle with "her", but did so... anyway.
Anyhow, while all this was tumbling around in my head, I stumbled upon this interesting "manhole" while walking the dogs, which features the same tic-tac-toe insignia within a circle. M O N? Didn't mean much, but the fact that it was made in Sultan, WA did. Sultans were the rich Arabic kings in the land of the Jinn. Wasn't Princess Jasmine the daughter of a Sultan? And wasn't Barbara EDEN, of I Dream of Jeannie, a 'wish fulfillment machine'?
Larry Hagman was the Masonic astronaut boyfriend of Jeannie, but I always wondered about his commitment. See The Copycat Effect for recent hag man references.
Later I happened upon the same manhole, but from the opposite direction, and I saw N O W. I think Momma's... ready.

A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. --Revelations 12:1-2
I Dream of Jeannie Trivia:
Barbara Eden's (then) real life husband, Michael Ansara, made three appearances on I Dream of Jeannie. (Eden and Ansara were divorced in 1974.)
Happy Anniversary" 9/12/1966 as Blue Djinn (Lord Shiva)
"Battle of Waikiki" 1/2/1968 as King Kamehameha (Lord of Hawaii and Pele)
My Sister the Home Wrecker" 12/9/1969 as Biff Jellico (Jericho. Joshua "wrecked" Jericho.)