May 1-8, Seattle is hosting the National Level Exercise 2-08 "terrorist drill".
The overall exercise scenario unfolds as a Category 4 hurricane threatens the National Capitol Region (i.e. Washington DC) while events in the Pacific Northwest include terrorist attacks involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the state of Washington and an accidental release of a chemical agent at chemical stockpile facility in Umatilla, Oregon. The scenario culminates with the hurricane's imminent landfall combined with a credible terror threat which causes the federal government to invoke continuity plans and capabilities. (i.e. martial law)
We may recall that both New York on 9/11 and London on 7/7 were also hosting terrorist "drills".
Considering May Day is a cross-quarter day and the Feast of Beltane, (think Scotland and Ireland), which featured the crowning of the May Queen (think Carrie) as well as the Druids running their cattle through the flames of purification (think "us"), I gotta bad feelin' about this.

As luck would have it, the regional Scottish Rite Leadership Conference is to be held in Seattle concurrently - May 2. Mark your calendar.
A brief history of May Days include:
- 1776 - Establishment of the Illuminati in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt.
- 1915 - RMS Lusitania departs New York City on her final crossing of the North Atlantic. Six days later, the ship was torpedoed off the coast of Ireland with the loss of 1,198 lives, including 128 Americans, rousing American sentiment against Germany.
- 1931 - The Empire State Building is dedicated in New York City.
- 1940 - The 1940 Summer Olympics are cancelled due to war.
- 2003 - In what became known as the "Mission Accomplished" speech, U.S. President George W. Bush declares "major combat operations in Iraq have ended" on board USS Abraham Lincoln off the coast of California.
It's my Bee-Day too, today. One moment, you're 27 years old, the next moment, the world is coming to an end, again.
Hello there big fellah,
greetings from the UK. I said I'd take a peek at you and so i did.
I spotted my name on the article below too.
I am impressed with some of your stuff matey.
Loved the 'tranny' description too!
When i have been to Brussels (Belgium) i always visit the 'la reserve' bar. That is a real tranny bar.. but a great night out.
Anyways..to add to your knowledge of May Day .. In the UK May Day is on a par with your labour day.
you might find something in this.
Thanks again Michael I'll be back!
best wishes
linked you on site and blog.
May 5 is Old Beltane, so they're covering all of the bases!
The night before May Day in czech they call Witch - burning night . many fires burnt.
May days a holiday and strangely so is may 8th
Last weekend was Ukrajnian Easter .
Everything blurs locally
Thanks for the comments.
JB - Happy Birthday!
Matthew - thanks for visiting and the link. I'll do the same. I was interested in the idea of the Cenotaph in your article about Remembrance Day:
A Cenotaph is a tomb or a monument erected in honour of a person or group of persons whose remains are elsewhere. It can also be the initial tomb for a person who has since been interred elsewhere. The word derives from the Greek κενοτάϕιον (kenos, one meaning being "empty", and taphos, "tomb").
Perhaps the "people" being remembered are "entombed" in Hades - which is represented by T5? The subject of much of the Book of Enoch is the "Watchers" and whatever became of them and their children.
Michael...GREAT (and yet potentially chilling) find/post. As much as the DOOM factor can be problematic for many, I think it essential that we cover these potential moments along the journey.
I am most impressed, and wishing everyone safe going as we pass through May Day globally.
Yes a great post! WOW, scary stuff, it's my cousins birthday too and I always forget it!
Washington state huh? Guess they figure they can take a huge hunk out of the organic food industry too at the same time..more strain on the food supply. *Keeps fingers crossed it won't happen.*
Great info and good spot my friend!
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