Kirkland (my hometown) keeps getting stranger. Yesterday I remembered that Kirkland (the church) was founded by a certain Peter Kirk (of course). Today I passed by a new hotel at 220 Kirkland Ave. with this interesting logo:

Somehow I get HH, KK, twins, mirrors, a red balloon and Heath Ledger's last resting place. Maybe Kirkland is a hellmouth. We'll be taking the synchromystic tour of Sunnydale North soon.
See the Atlantean Times for more about Heath and 22.
Hi michael..
I just realised something about what I was saying while reading your post.
if you look at my first post on the ledger / rennes le chateau links and check out the picture of him looking down at the crypts with the young girls in from the top of the goddess tower, ask yourself what time is he standing at.
The shot only last for that instant when he stands by where the nr 11 would usually be. While walking around to the 11 position he says "its like a giant clock" and then stands by the 11. Since both his hands are at the 11 and he says it a clock which he has just walked around he is therefore at 11 11 . Maybe...
cheers gav
great find. It almost looks like a glyph of a man in arobe standing with arms in long sleeves outstretched
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