The Ordo Templi Orientis logo is gracing today's post 'Angel of the Morning' from the Wrong Way Wiz - note the dive bombing dove. It occurs to me that I've seen that crazy bird before... a long time ago in a galaxy far away.

Insignia of The Rebel Alliance

Their captain and his mark

Dive bombing rebels on a suicide run

More kamikaze dive bombers - Torah! Torah! Torah!

Ahura Mazda, the transcendental god of Zoroastrianism. The Oriental Temple indeed.
Frankly, I've had enough of suicide bombers, death wish angels and eternally dying gods. I choose life, please.
Amen, Michael.
Life and No-thing But Life. And an occasional nap.
You've REALLY been cranking out some dramatic, and well written pieces Michael.
They're doing it ALL for you though man...for your protection, and your own good...well, cause you don't know any better.
Great work Michael, wonderful connections made.
Mazda, the Lord of the Rings, the rings of Saturn that is. There is a Mazda dealership near where I live, called "Chatel Mazda". The word "Chatel" is surrounded by what are obviously the rings of Saturn. Saturn and Venus (the Dove of War) are about to be reunited in the Heavens, aren't they? Starting next week, I believe.
Thanks for the comments, much appreciated. JB - thanks for the astro update. I know next to nothing about astrology, but it appears that the PTB do, and everything must be very carefully timed, because well, they know their time is short.
Love it, good stuff.
I imagine the 'square' interpretation of the dove would be the winged orb.
Noah's (thus pyramid/Giza related) dove, the Aton...
In short: Yaay! to all of it. This also resonates with the Skywalker Paradigm, a must-read paradigm-shifting opus. Your divebombing dove is right there in the header.
Bill, that's an awesome link, thanks! I love their attitude - reading Star Wars like it's the bible - which it has in fact - nearly become. The question is, who's bible?
Saturn = Satan
Venus = Lucifer
Satan + Lucifer = Prince of Darkness + Angel of Light = the frozen, dormant god of time + the weeping lady crucified upside down = one HELL of a PARTY!
Also, the biggest terrorist attack simulation in history is happening around the same time, next week, nuclear weapon in Portland again, this time it's called "Vigilant Shield" (remember "Vigilant Guardian/Vigilant Warrior" on 9/11?).
Hey, wait a minute! Remember those six nuclear weapons that were "mistakenly" and illegally transported from one air force base to another not that long ago? They're supposedly passing through Portland next week as well, on their way home. Coincidence?
Tomorrow, Venus-day the 12th, is Aleister Crowley's 132nd birthday!
And Saturn-day the 13th is the 700th anniversary of the round-up of the Knights Templar in France in 1307!
That should be good for the economy. Especially with the Empire State Building being lit up green this friday to mark the end of the ramadan (or so they say).
Venus and Saturn reunited again. Good times...
JB - see, this is exactly why I don't do astrology or tarot, etc., because it always seems like I should be heading for the secret underground bunker. I'm nervous enough already.
This is great Michael! Excellent eye!
Given the odd mentions that come up rarely to the Elect Cohens and the Grand Order of the Fiery Wheel, I always thought the Empire's logo was quite apt.
I can only echo other's words: good work.
Hello Michael,
I've started my own blog.
Its the "Meta-Logic Café", at http://metalogiccafe.blogspot.com/
To Ra, to Ra
spotted in the newest simpsons episode, itchy wearing it as he dives down on scratchy...enjoy ;-)
When you see birds it is always worth opening your eyes a bit wider. The Language of The Birds is a term used to describe the argotic, or punning-slang language of symbolism of an esoteric circle. It is also known as Green Language. I believe, and I've seen it many times, that the inclusion of bird symbolism is frequently an indication that there is something being said in a way that the masses won't be able to understand.
Saturn has just entered Virgo for the first time in twenty years. They'll be living together for the next five years. You can do the math. While this is meant to be good astrologically for me as a Virgo, I worry about what offspring these two may produce this time.
Apologies, my information on the timing of Saturn in Virgo is off. Saturn will be in Virgo until 2010 not 2012.
Saturn into Virgo... reminds me of an old joke:
"How many times does 20 go into 80? A hell of a lot more times than 80 goes into 20!" - The Divine Miss M
Interesting about symbolic puns.
Does anyone know where I can find out more information on the Grand Order of the Fiery Wheel?
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