A beached cherub - helpless as a whale?
The second in a series examining cherubim.
The very first mission of the new Star Trek: The Next Generation crew was Encounter at Farpoint - the rescue of a 'fallen' cherub. The cherub had somehow been deprived of most of its power, and was 'chained' to a planet where it had become the unwilling power supply (demiurge?) of the Bandi. The cherub didn't have enough power to manifest itself as it truly was, and functioned in a degraded state - an energy/matter converter that resembled a small city. You could say that the cherub was trapped in a planetary gravity well - an abyss (Tartarus?).
Eventually Picard guesses that the Bandi power station is an immense alien being, and he uses the Enterprise to feed it enough energy to escape its condition. The cherub assumes its true form (an 'angel' of light), and is reunited with its mate. The Enterprise D starship resonates Egyptian Masonic geometry with its twin warp drive nacelles (pillars) and the third warp core. It is itself a classic star gate - symbolically equivalent to the Tower of Babel.
Beneath Farpoint are mysterious tunnels and catacombs which resonate both alien subterranean bases and the Vatican. Jake Kotze has already noted the octagonal shape of Farpoint and its central pillar. Beneath New York City we also find a labyrinthine series of sub way tunnels, and a new octagonal tower is to be finished on 2012 - the Freedom Tower. I wonder, is this the reason for the unprecedented building boom ongoing around the planet? Are cherubs erecting their star gates? Is a window of opportunity soon to open, or perhaps, to close?

Starship Atlantis
The movie 'Independence Day' visualizes an alien invasion of immense flying saucers (Ezekiel describes cherubim as "wheels") which hover over the great cities of the world. Cherub vs. cherub. The war in heaven brought to earth? See also 'Transformers'.
Author Iain M. Bank's fictional universe called the 'Culture' visualize massive, self-aware star ships called 'Minds'. These are virtually immortal (divine) beings of immense intellect, personality and power. In other words... cherubim. 'Excession' is highly recommended.