From MM:
When Brett Shuffler knocks down Riverboat Lil's card house, two strangers step in with amazing formulas to make Brett wish he'd stayed at home! This chapter contains lots of wild and weird formulas suggested by our readers ranging from temperature conversions to lightning distance. Meanwhile the Evil Gollarks try to find a joke funny enough to destroy the earth!
The joke is that a man’s ass is the Holy Grail. Surrender Dorothy! And you thought old What’s His Name doesn’t have a sense of humor. I’m taking the summer off. See you on the beach!
And I stood upon the sand of the sea... --Rev 13:1

Christmas in July
The whole summer off? Really?!
What will the countless millions of gay christian synchro-mystics worldwide ever do without their Prophet Michael?
It's not summer yet.
Is that David Hasselhof?
Yes, the whole summer. Blogging takes it's toll, ya know. I'm sure the three of us will think of something else...
D. Hasselhof wishes.
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