This is the "album art" at iTunes for the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Perhaps the art director was a bit heavy handed with his Virgin Mary 2X4, hell, even I get it. The discussion of TM at The Stygian Port made me think that MTM stands for Mary Transcendental Meditation, which I think Catholics call "Saying the Rosary".

Did those pictures come together like that? It's an interesting progression. She's innocent looking in the first one and not so innocent in the second. Even her name goes from white to red (which I mention here) showing a transition from virginal to not-so-virginal. She is even sitting in the V chalice shape, surrounded by blood-red. The rosary comes from rosarium, or rose garden. Is Mary trying to get us to focus on deflowering her? Anyways, who gets called by all three of their names? Mind Kontrolled assasins usually.
MTM tp OTO. Great graphics. The T in the middle of MTM delivers the old Tau cross logo, and the M to V things great Mary-Virgin
MTM starred on the DVD show
c'mon Michael...I am surprised that one got past you my friend!
One could say the "T" from MTM is a sword
And the "V" from DVD is a cup
transposed from male to female...hmmmm, now that is curious.
Hi all, thanks for playing. Great comments. No, the two pics are not seen together, but I thought they told a story when seen that way.
Todd - great fielding, my friend! DVD has been the consort of many a goddess, from Laura Petri (the real star of the DVD show) to Mary Poppins to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang(by Ian Fleming) which featured Truly Scrumptious - daughter of a CANDY tycoon.
Oh yes Michael, there you go...I have been trying to turn Jake onto Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...have to wait and see if he takes to it.
Transcribing Hebrew into English means that David = DVD [Daoud]= 14. It also means 'beloved'
This is merely a bit of humor, but there was an episode of "Family Guy" where the government started to censor EVERYTHING, even the old tv shows, so on tv you would hear: "Its the D-BLEEP Van D-BLEEP Show, starring D-BLEEP Van D-BLEEP!" lol
Btw, wasn't "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" used as mind-control for children at one point? I remember Princess Diana herself saying that the Royals would have their children listen to that movie over and over again even if they didn't like it.
JB - considering this "children's movie" included a child hating Countess, a toymaker, Dick Van Dyke and Miss Scrumptious acting like puppets, a "Child-catcher" and a secret underground cave full of miserable children, it seems to be tailor made for such things.
The movie, BTW, is nothing like the book, which is a fairly standard story of innocent English folks foiling wicked French crooks, albeit with the help of a magical car, so we can't hang this one on Fleming.
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