Fremont is a Seattle neighborhood known for it's funky, post-hippie vibe - even after the gentrification. It's home to the Solstice Parade, and about as Pagan as they come: Head shops, bicycle shops, bookstores that are always full of the latest Bush whacker, even a statue of Lenin! I've become perfectly comfortable there. It's also the place where I was "initiated" into the Mysteries.

Fremont calls itself "The Center of the Universe", which may very well be true. It's central signpost points to Atlantis and the Milky Way, among other interesting destinations. This Galactic Center - (Lodge No. 11?) even has a rocket ship stargate idling at "ground zero". In the Shadow of Giants, I note it even has an El Camino restaurant, named after "the Road", or the Rainbow Bridge.

Fremont itself sits across a deep and narrow watery channel from Seattle proper - called the ship canal, or "the cut" for short. Seattle might represent the busy and self-important egocentric left brain, while Fremont represents the All creative, All knowing right side. Fremont is accessed from Seattle by the Fremont Bridge, a narrow, (and oftentimes traffic choked) draw bridge over the Cut. It's blue and orange. But there is another way...

Over-arching this small bridge is the great AURORA Bridge, resonating rainbows and toroid radiation belts. Grail energy! The Aurora Bridge is a suicide MAGNET, its stargate resonating power obvious to all. Just beneath the Aurora Bridge in Fremont lies a great troll that is ready to devour you and your chariot as you cross the great DIVIDE. It has a VW BEETLE(Juice) in it's grip.

The CUT leads to Lake UNION (with the Divine), and way out West we have many train stations named UNION STATION - after the Union Pacific Railroad. Here's one in Tacoma, and here's one in Seattle - both fine temples/dynamos.

My personal initiation ritual took place inside this building - currently occupied by the Theo Chocolate Factory. Yes, Charlie, Fremont even has a chocolate factory (organic and fair trade certified, of course).
At the time (four summers ago) the building was in transition, the former home of the Red HOOK Ale Brewery (note the Giza-ish pyramidal pines in the logo) and before that the old Fremont Trolley Barn. By rail, beer, chocolate or Fly Agaric (all Foods of the Gods), this building has always been a symbolic stargate.

How and why these symbolic buildings exist is a matter of opinion, and yes, Freemasons built them. The Seattle Union Station was designed by the same architect as Grand Central Station! Considering my personal history and resonance with occult architectural shamanism, I think these dudes were seriously tuned in - like Solomon.
And yet... I can't help but think these great architects somehow missed the point. The Temple of God is NOT a building of brick and mortar. It is a MAN. We are the holy temple/chariot/grail/edifice of the ALL. My BODY is the Temple/Battery of Solomon.
A spiritual battery - just like Solomon's Temple. Holy Fuck!

Hello Michael,
Just following up your Belle Vue reference. I picked up a book by Bryan Applewhite today ('Aliens: Why They Are Here') to discover that there is a man in that very WA neighbourhood selling 'experimental devices to stop alien abduction.' His name, just in case you want to look him up, is Michael Menken...
What's up with all the kooky boho chicks riding around naked on bikes? Some kind of tie-in with Queen?
Food of the gods are the spin of children.
Hi Ben, thanks for the note, I will most likely endeavor to never to look him up...
Yes, Mikey-boy ..."Holy Fuck!" ... that's it precisely ( :-)} After all, Izzint thuh ancient time-tested & true sex-&-spirit Tradition of Tantric yoga 5ive thousand years old at the very least? You said a mouthful.
Ferris F. Fremont is the name PKDick gives to his Nixonesque President in the novel RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH. I think he was living in Orange Co. at the time - West Coast.
And, oh yeah, lest we overlook HP Lovecraft's tale, "The Horror At Red Hook" ... curiouser & curiouser.
For the ENTIRE text of HPL's above referenced tale of "weird fiction" ( as it relates to the brewery in this thread ), please visit here:
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