Swanker's entry 120 at ADMIRE symbolically joins leather men and manhole covers - a classic pun noted here in Rosebud, as well as the synch that the stargate in Disney's 'Enchanted' is a Manhole in Times Square.

I was walking Oliver the terrier a few days ago when I spied this interesting work of art - a child's chalk (limestone) drawing of a great scaly dragon - devouring a manhole!
Took a shot of some children chalk drawing 3 days ago, they were Devils with sticky-out tongues.
Have included your last post in a minor synch-fest post that I've just done
Haha , got the daisy synch, had to return. Esp. good as u say u won't go down that synch right now, and it gets gone down.
Oh no, not again, Mike! My very, very S.O., whose middle name is Olivier, as I'd told you earlier (and tis pronounced ol-iv-VEER, that one-of-a-kind guy, mine!) not like your Oztralian terrier Oliver's, has three nieces, one of whom, Jada, turned four today. So, he asked me to make her a birthday card. Yeah, sure, that I can do! Grabbing a piece of Bristol board & my set of 16 colors Sharpies, I went to town. The illustration? Why, a radiant sun, an open sun umbrella, a butterfly in flight, and ~gasp!~ a girl dragon with a piece of birthday cake!
"It's your birthday today!", it exhorts, "Make a wish & blow out the candles & it will come true!" Love, Uncle Johnathen & Uncle Anadæ
Wasn't the 17th century Witch-finder General, Matthew Hopkins, the one who said, "Sodomy is a crime that leads to witchcraft!", or'm I getting my circuitry criss-crossed?
Mr. Moon - Yea, synchs have their own timing.
Anadae - thanks, that's great. I always wished to to grow big muscles on my birthday...
Speaking of funny synchs, you mentioned Herman Munster previously - married to Lily Munster.
Yeesh! Come to think of it, Mike, their pet, Spot, happens to be a fire-breatheing dragon (!) whose secret lair is accessed from under the stairs, which themselves can be raised & lowered much like a drawbridge, allowing for his ferocious roars & billowing flames to issue forth, whenever the need arises.
Yea, it always seemed so normal for Spot to be hiding under the stairs, like a dragon-troll under the bridge.
I used to know a guy who was the spitting image of little Eddie Munster the werewolf. He always won the Halloween contests.
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