Sep 4, 2013

Fuck Yeah!

Long time readers of Gosporn already know that Jeff Fairhall told me (in a mushroom trance) that FUCK was the name of the Creator. To the Greeks he was Eros, but to us, the most powerful verbal affirmation of creative energy is... a forbidden four letter word.

This summer is another America's Cup summer, or as I like to say, Grail Racing. This year the race is in San Francisco, and it's been a debacle from the get go, so I won't go into all that now. Why I'm posting this is because of two curious syncs:

1. Woodenboat magazine is featuring a San Francisco schooner named EROS.

2. This footage of young men racing on San Francisco bay for the Youth America's Cup who yell "Fuck Yeah!" after nailing the start. (1:55).

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