Nov 10, 2013

Do You Know What Time It Is?

If you look at Nazi conspiracy theory, you find that:

  1. Nazis seek occult spiritual power.
  2. Hitler didn't really die in the Bunker.
  3. Hitler's will entered the tesseract.
  4. The Hitler faithful clone him.
  5. The Nazis go up against a tribunal and are executed, however a remnant live on.
  6. They believe that one day, he will return.

If you look at Christian doctrine, you find that:

  1. Christians seek the power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Jesus did not really die on the Cross.
  3. Jesus went to heaven.
  4. The Jesus faithful eat his flesh and drink his blood to "be like Jesus".
  5. After the murder of Jesus, the faithful are persecuted, however a remnant live on.
  6. They believe that one day, he will return.

Even today, you must pay respectful lip service to only two deities: Jesus and the Holocaust. It's thought crime not to.

This idea causes me alternating fits of giggles and terror. Hitler and Jesus are flip sides of the same coin - the same archetype. One is the ultimate good and the other is the ultimate evil. But in reality they are the same person, it just depends on how you look at Him.

Considering the current state of the world, I'm open to a third Messiah. They say three times the charm, maybe this time the archetype will finally get it right.

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