Nov 18, 2011

The Howling

Oliver awoke this morning with a long, mournful howl... he was dreaming. That was the first time I think he ever did that - wake up howling, not dreaming. He's always dreaming.
How you have fallen from the heavens! Howl, son of the dawn! You are hacked down to the earth, defeater of all nations. ~Isaiah 14:12
This famous verse of Isaiah is generally considered to refer to the downfall of the King of Tyre, though some say the King of Babylon. Burning Taper.
The sea king at whose command Tyre was built was Hiram of Tyre, most well-known for his role in building the Temple of Solomon. ~Hiram, King of Tyre
In any case, since the U.S.A is the Masonic New Atlantis (the sea kings), that would symbolically make our president related to the King of Tyre. Even if it meant Babylon, ever since George W. Bush became “King of Babylon”, our president can wear that crown too. Tyre, Babylon, tomatoes, tomaatoes.

Alan at The Happy Creatures was noting more KK and antichrist symbolism running around this month, and somehow manages to sync in Angry Birds, who stand in so nicely for the OWS movement, or as I like to say, the Owls. So of course, homoerotic artist Patrick Fillion tumbles in today with an angry owl.

It’s funny because we have a slow leak in one of the VW tires that we’ve been nursing for weeks because new tires aren’t in the budget quit yet. The King of Tires is in Dallas, TX. No doubt he drives a Lincoln.

Nov 17, 2011

The Divine Miss Neith

Last week, I realized I wanted (needed) to get in touch with Mary, the Divine Fem. That’s also Bette Midler, the Divine Miss M. Bette got her start playing gay bath houses in NYC, FYI. So I put on “The Rose” and did my best to grok the fullness. I felt so freakin’ Catholic it wasn’t even funny.

Even made Oprah cry.

It started when I was watching LOTR - Two Towers. The hobbits are chased into the murky woods by a hungry orc, and they are saved when Pippin yells “Merry!”, which awakens Treebeard, who squashes the orc. So... I am Pippin, chases by orcs (egoic demons) and I call on Mary, or the Divine Miss Fem: Isis, Ishtar. Gaia. Somehow, she awakens the ancient phallic tree that saves the Shire. Or something like that.

Anyway, it just seemed important to pray to her, OK? After all, it was “Isis” who had the bucks to save Oliver.

“She’s rich.” ~Luke Skywalker, A New Hope

Santa María Madre de Dios! Today is the 17th (Osiris, KK day) I’m wandering the Kirkland library and I pick up a sailing mag called Classic Boat, a nice publication from the UK. It’s their Special American Edition, so they are featuring a lot of classic yachts from across the pond. One is named Neith. The 100 year old yacht even features an idol of her, in the main cabin. Oddly enough, Neith has been brought back from the dead many times, being an extremely lucky vessel.

In Egyptian mythology, Neith (also known as Nit, Net, and Neit) was an early goddess in the Egyptian pantheon. Neith was a goddess of war and of hunting and had as her symbol, two crossed arrows over a shield. Her symbol also identified the city of Sais. Her name also may be interpreted as meaning water. In time, this led to her being considered as the personification of the primordial waters of creation. She is identified as a great mother goddess in this role as a creator.
Neith is called the Virgin Mother of Ra, Isis is the sister/wife of Osiris and the Mother of Horus, Mary is the Mother of Jesus, Jesus is our own-personal-sun god, “mar” is the root of marine (aka classic boats). I took it as a sign.
Sometimes Neith was pictured as a woman nursing a baby crocodile, and she was titled "Nurse of Crocodiles". As the personification of the concept of the primordial waters of creation in the Ogdoad theology, she had no gender. As mother of Ra, she was sometimes described as the "Great Cow who gave birth to Ra". Neith was considered to be a goddess of wisdom and was appealed to as an arbiter in the dispute between Horus and Seth.

Flipping a few more pages, I see they have a story about a newly restored yacht called St. Patrick. The Patron Saint of Ireland converted the Irish from worship of a previous mother deity to Mary. Of course, St. Patrick’s day is 3/17, which is the mythical date of Osiris’ death, who is the husband/brother of Isis. And the Irish have luck, or so they say.

Treebeard is also known as the Green Man, which is another name for Osiris.

In a way, Neith has helped me to turn back time, to see the Goddess in all her guises. I may not have stripped her bare, but honestly, I don’t want to. To me, she will remain a holy virgin.
I am the things that are, that will be, and that have been. No one has ever laid open the garment by which I am concealed. The fruit which I brought forth was the sun.
Wow! Who woulda thunk everything could be contained within the pages of the November Classic Boat?
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