The National Geographic is at it again, pimping the alien invasion meme head on. You'd almost think it's the sci-fi channel. Lately we have Five Good Reasons to Believe in UFOs and also a poll:
Two-Thirds of Americans Think Barack Obama Is Better Suited to Handle an Alien Invasion Than Mitt Romney
Now, there is a big difference between aliens and UFOs in my opinion, but NG wants to lump them all together into a tidy package. To me, UFOs are Unidentified Flying Objects, while aliens from outer space are identified as "aliens from outer space". It's a subtle difference but an important one. I've had UFO dreams for many years, but I've always considered them to be messengers from "inner space" - my own take on a subconscious message. Much the same as earlier generations had messages from fairies, angels or gods, the vehicle of the message can take any form. Today, it's the UFO.
What I find disturbing is this obvious attempt to manipulate our "dream time", our UFO messages.
I had a curious UFO message on 6/16/12:
I was sitting in a room, a perfectly transparent, shiny ball came down out of the ceiling, about 24" in diameter. I realized it was a "UFO" experience, it felt familiar. The ball floated over to my head, at first I put my hands up to stop it, but then realized I just needed to relax and let it do its thing. My head was enveloped by the ball, and some small lights appeared on the surface for a split second, the SONY logo, and then the head of Karl Urban appeared and began speaking:
"Hi Mike, things are about to get very difficult for you. This new technology they are developing for the Olympic games, to allow close up experience of the action... All will lose their minds".
And it made me wonder. A sudden connection to the Id is a powerful, life-changing experience, open to many interpretations. When I had mine back in 2004 I thought it was literally God. Imagine if everyone on earth had that same experience, at the same time. What would happen?
And what if... the news was suddenly full of an alien invasion. How would you interpret what you had just experienced?
I'll tell you what I'd do - I'd freak out. Imagine the chaos of billions of people on the planet suddenly and forcibly brought into Contact with their own subconscious.
We are all looking forward to the London/New Troy/Zion Olympic games with a mixture of fascination and dread, and I see that Prospero is allegedly holding court in Danny Boyle's Olympic opening ceremony. Prospero, Shakespeare's magician from The Tempest, has inspired many a sci-fi take off, none more eloquent than Forbidden Planet, where the natives tap into a massive power source but are undone in a single day by their own monsters from the Id.
NOTE: 616 is the now fashionable area code for the Beast, and I note that this post is no. 666 in my personal gosporn journal.